BTS Can Let Things Slide For Jungkook Because He’s The Maknae
In episode 129 of Run BTS!, the members started their long-term project of learning how to play tennis. After receiving basic training from national team tennis players, they tried to play a few games by splitting into two teams.
As they started to play, the members would make a few mistakes in serving or hitting the ball. They began to notice that they let all of Jungkook’s mistakes slide while giving penalty to the others.
오케이 실수!
왜 저쪽은 다 실수고 우리는 마이너스얔ㅋ
왜 그런지 알아? 정국이는 귀엽자나
억울하면 막내로 태어나던갘ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
오케이! 귀여운 거 인정!
((또 실수 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ))
야이 따따ㅏㅏ따ㅏㅏ
야 귀여우면 다야?
솔직히 귀여우면 다라고 오조오억년 전부터 생각해왔어ㅋ— 구기정 ᵏᵒᵒᵒᵒ⁹⁰¹ (@googie_jung) February 16, 2021
Jungkook: (serve miss) Okay my mistake!
Jimin: Why is everything they do a mistake and everything we do a minus!
Suga: Do you know why? Because Jungkook is cute.
Jin: If you’re mad then you should have been born the maknae!
J-Hope: Then we let it slide.
RM: Ok I admit that he is cute.
But not long after, Jungkook makes another mistake, making it hard for Suga and Jin to let it slide this time!
Jungkook: (misses another serve)
Jin: Yahahhahaahah!
Suga: Hey, do you think being cute is everything??
Even though they joke around like that, we all know that they all love and adore Jungkook.
정국아 방금 우리 못본거야
못봤어 못봤어
형아들 사랑 듬뿍 받는 정구기를 보는 내마음 따똣,,
— 꾹첼
(@97JK_ee) February 16, 2021
Jungkook: (misses the ball)
J-Hope: Jungkook-ah! We didn’t see anything!
Jin: We didn’t see it, we didn’t see it.
And knowing Jungkook’s personality, the other members know that he will probably master tennis by the next time they meet!
정국이 또 아무것도 안하고 테니스만 합니다
우리 다음에 오면 깜쫙 놀랄수도 이따 진쨔
다음에 와서 정구기? 아무것도 안해왔네?
복싱만 더하고
아니야 정국이 모 아니면 도야 아예 안하든지 아니면 너무 이거만 해서 괴물돼서 오든지 둘중하나야
무서운 친구야
기대할께 정국아
— 꾹첼
(@97JK_ee) February 16, 2021
V: Jungkook will probably do nothing but tennis from now on.
Jungkook: You guys might be shocked the next time we meet.
Jin: Next time he comes we could be like, ‘Jungkook! You didn’t do anything?’
RM: No, Jungkook is either zero or a hundred so he will either do nothing at all or only do this and become a master at it. It’s going to be either one.
J-Hope: He is a scary kid.
Jin: I will be looking forward to you, Jungkook~
But honestly, we would let it slide for Jungkook too because he’s the golden maknae after all!