BTS’s V Shares Why His Mixtape Is Taking Time To Get Released
Minggu, 28 Februari 2021
In BTS‘s “BE-hind Story” interview, V spoke briefly about his highly anticipated mixtape.
V shared that his mixtape was postponed much more than he originally thought.
While V didn’t want to feel pressured about his mixtape, he honestly shared that he couldn’t help but feel pressured since it’s his own work.
V felt quite pressured because, unlike for BTS albums, where he can share the pressure with the members, V had to take full responsibility for his mixtape.
V also shared that he wants to release his mixtape when he can say, “It’s good.”
V concluded by telling ARMYs (BTS’s fandom) that they could look forward to his mixtape, and Suga said that he too is looking forward to it!
Here’s the full video below!
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