
Childhood Friend Of aespa’s Giselle Debunks Rumors About Her Past

Previously, a netizen claiming to have known aespa’s Giselle, posted accusations online that Giselle was a “thug who basically touched everything that had to do with alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs.”

| Online community

They claimed that she changed her number and deleted her Instagram account, cutting off all contact, before being revealed as an SM Entertainment trainee.

Even though these claims were unconfirmed, the rumors began spreading online, causing many netizens to believe these accusations.

| SM Entertainment

Recently, a childhood friend of Giselle took to an online community forum to clear up the rumors that were being spread online. “The reason I wanted to answer this is because there are rumors going around about her that are not true.”

They were mad about the fact that people were judging her friend without any solid evidence. “I hate that people make their mind up with no evidence, judging solely on the way she looks…it’s messed up.”

| SM Entertainment

Being someone who grew up together with Giselle, they could confidently say that she is one of the nicest people that they know.

She doesn’t have a ‘dirty past’. We occasionally went out with our friends like most teenagers do, but she never smoked or did drugs, and she definitely never bullied anyone. She was a normal teenager that worked really hard to get where she is now.

— Childhood friend

They added that Giselle stopped speaking to many friends because she became too busy, but one her friends took it the wrong way, causing them to start these rumors.

| Online community

The original poster shared also shared the original photo of the photos that were going around online with their faces blurred out. “The photo was stolen by the girl who started these rumors.”

With clarification about the rumors from a close friend of Giselle, they hope that the accusations will cease online.

source https://www.koreaboo.com/stories/childhood-friend-aespa-giselle-debunks-rumors-past/

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