
Jimin And Jungkook Revealed Unexpected Way BTS Learned Hip-Hop From Pdogg

Since Hip-Hop’s influence comes through strong in many of BTS‘s tracks, Jimin and Jungkook revealed the unexpected way Pdogg taught many of them the history behind the genre.

bts jungkook jimin
Jungkook and Jimin.

During an unaired clip from Pdogg’s episode of Immortal Songs, Jin mentioned how the producer opened their eyes to the genre’s culture. Jin said, “He taught us about the history of Hip-Hop when we didn’t know anything before our debut.

1 bts immortal songs pdogg KBS Kpop youtube
Jin | KBS Kpop/YouTube

Part of their education was taking in media related to the genre. Jungkook pointed out how they would “watch movies together” while Jin remembered Pdogg giving them “masterpiece albums” to listen to. There was another way that showed their dedication to learning.

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| KBS Kpop/YouTube

Jimin burst into laughter after recalling how Pdogg made them put pen to paper. He said, “I wrote a book report too.” The new piece of information took J-Hope by surprise.

While the rest of the members didn’t bat an eye, J-Hope asked, “What book report?” Jungkook seconded Jimin’s words by saying, “I wrote a report.” Jin agreed as well and said, “He asked us to write a report.

When it comes to music, BTS take it seriously—even if they have to write a few reports about it. Check out Jimin, Jungkook, and Jin sharing just how deeply they studied Hip-Hop here.

source https://www.koreaboo.com/stories/bts-jimin-jungkook-learned-hiphop-pdogg/
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