
Chilean Comedy Show Under Fire For Making Racist And Xenophobic Jokes About BTS

Chilean comedy TV show Mi Barrio recently aired a parody performance of BTS while making racist and xenophobic jokes.

These racist jokes about the pandemic and the Korean language are seen as insensitive, especially due to the recent attacks against the Asian community.

Below is the full interview portion of their parody.

Host: Introduce yourself!

Person 1: Kim Jong-Un(o)*

Person 2: Kim Jong-Two

Person 3: Kim Jong-Three

Person 4: Kim Jong-Four

Person 5: Juan Carlos!

*The name of North Korea’s dictator + number one (uno)

Host: You guys are so funny! What are your real names?

Person 1: My name is V!

Person 2: Jungkook

Person 3: Agust D

Person 4: J-Hope

Person 5: And I’m Jin**

Host: Yo-Jin?

Person 5: No, no, I’m Jin.

Host: Yo-Jin?

Person 5: No, Jin

** ‘Yo’ is ‘I’ in Spanish.

Host: Ah, okay. Ok guys tell me one thing, are you all Chilean?

Person 1-4: Renca!

Person 5: Maipu!

Host: And how did you all meet?

Person 2: We’re all classmates minus one

Host: You? (points towards person 5)

Person 3: No! Me!

Host: Do any of you speak Korean?

Person 1-3: Not me

Person 5: I do!***

***He says ‘Yohi’ which may also be an attempt at mocking the language.

Host: Oh, and can you tell us something in Korean? Because everybody here wants to learn.

Person 5: (speaks gibberish, mocking language)

Host: What did you say?

Person 5: I got vaccinated.

Everybody: (laughs)

Host: Now let’s say goodbye to this wonderful group.

– translation credits to @BTS_Chile on Twitter

Fans agree that this cannot pass as humor and is an act of racist aggression towards BTS and the Asian community.

Fans have also put together easy instructions to show how to file a complaint against the issue.

The hashtag #ElRacismoNoEsComedia has also started trending as fans try to bring more light to the situation.

Racist attacks seem to continue, despite the fact that BTS was mocked recently by a German radio show host just a few months ago.

This is not the first time BTS and the Asian community has been attacked with racist aggression. Back in 2020, a Polish TV show was also under fire for making racist and homophobic remarks towards BTS.

In a most recent update, Mi Barrio posted a message on their Instagram account.

Thank you everyone for the good vibes! We’ll continue improving, learning, listening, and we’ll remain firm in our intention: to bring fun to families. We collect all positive comments and also the critics, because that’s what we’re for: contribute a little with humor and fun.

– translation credits to @BTS_Chile on Twitter

The show’s statement revealed that they still stand true to their intention to bring fun to families.

CNTV has yet to respond to the situation.

source https://www.koreaboo.com/news/chilean-comedy-show-fire-making-racist-xenophobic-jokes-bts/
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