BTS’s Jin Wanted To Eat A Type Of Ice Cream So Much That He Asked Jimin To Switch Desserts With Him
Ever heard of the iconic “beads ice cream”? Also known as Dippin’ Dots, the sweet treat is basically ice cream molded into hundreds of tiny round spheres, about the size of beads. You’re likely to have had them in your childhood.
It seems that BTS‘s Jin is a fan of the retro treat. During a behind-the-scenes clip, Jin had wanted to eat the ice cream so much that he asked Jimin to switch desserts with him. Jin had gotten a churro, but he was tempted by Jimin’s ice cream. Although Jimin didn’t want to switch, he kindly gave Jin a spoonful anyway!
There’s beads ice cream too? Yah, Jimin-ah, let’s trade. Can’t I have that and you can eat this? Please, it’s my request!
— Jin
Catch Jin’s cute request below!
어우야 구슬 아이스크림도 있냐?? 야 지미나 바꾸자
너가 이거 머꾸 내가 이거 머그면 안대?
이건 부탁이야 <ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ구슬아이스크림 얼마나 먹고싶었던거냐구 ㅜ
— 진수니 (@seokjin_GIF) April 26, 2018
It seems that Jin was pretty happy with his churro anyway.
BTS will be making their comeback soon with “Butter” on May 21, 2021. Stay tuned for more updates on the worldwide superstars.