PETA Raises Concern About BTS’s Endorsement Of McDonald’s
When McDonald’s announced their collaboration with BTS for The BTS Meal, it seemed as if everyone was excited. However, that was not the case. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), an animal rights organization, has raised concerns over the collaboration.
PETA Asia has accused BTS of promoting animal cruelty. The organization shared on their social media a photo of an individual, dressed in a BT21 T-shirt, standing outside McDonald’s with a sign that read, “This fan was let down. BTS, stop promoting dead chickens.”
BTS @bts_bighit @BTS_twt, don’t let your fans down. Stop promoting dead chickens!
The #BTSMeal at McDonald’s includes chicken nuggets that are made from the flesh of tortured birds.
Chickens are not nuggets, but rather living, feeling beings. #BTS
— PETA Asia (@PETAAsia) May 31, 2021
PETA Asia also shared a post with the tagline, “You’re butter than this, BTS,” a playoff of the group’s new single, “Butter.” The animal rights organization recognized BTS’s influence and expressed their dismay over the group’s choice to partner with McDonald’s for a meal consisting of chicken nuggets.
A PETA investigation of Australia’s largest chicken producer, Baiada, which reportedly supplies chicken flesh to McDonald’s and other companies, found widespread cruelty in its breeding facility and slaughterhouse. Baiada’s slaughterhouse has CCTV, but that didn’t stop the workers from using chickens as punching bags. It’s clear BTS doesn’t care about chickens who suffer and have their throats slit for McNuggets in the BTS Meal.
— PETA Asia
While PETA claims that ARMY feels “let down” by BTS for promoting the consumption of chicken nuggets, others are coming out not only to defend BTS but to raise awareness of some inconsistencies within PETA. They recalled that PETA euthanizes thousands of animals rather than find them homes because they don’t believe in pet ownership. PETA’s president and co-founder Ingrid Newkirk believes it’s “an abysmal situation.”
Many ARMYs also suggest that PETA is singling out BTS and McDonald’s just for “attention” and “clout.” Although BTS is frequently seen eating various meals consisting of meat in their reality shows and endorsed similar products before, PETA has not criticized the group or any of its members until now.
Where were you before the BTS meal?
Protesting only bc of BTS endorsement is embarrassing. Especially bc there are more special menus or advertisements that encluding chicken nuggets.+ why you only proresting against chicken nuckets they also using different kind of animal meats— ᴮᴱ🧈
⁷ (@MK21284705) May 31, 2021
You are addressing the wrong issue. Mcdonalds won’t probably stop producing nuggets even if BTS stop promoting them. You did not even mention that the nugget production should stop. You singled out McDonalds. You singled out BTS. You are being selective.
— Stephanie⁷ 🧈 (@currrysteph) June 1, 2021
I’m a vegetarian and animal lover myself but what kinda bs is this? Where were u people when people all over the world were eating chicken before BTS meal? And u do know that there is a thing called as Poultry farming right? and so many people are dependent on that for a living
— ᴮᴱRaksha
🧈 (@Vminie_2000) June 1, 2021