
8 Details You Might Have Missed In NCT 127’s “Sticker” Music Video

NCT 127 just dropped their newest album, Sticker, and a music video for the title track “Sticker!” The music video is packed full with neon signs, extravagant sets, and the finest cowboy outfits. Here’s a list of 8 details you might have missed while watching!

Johnny, Haechan, Mark, Jaehyun, Taeyong, Yuta, Taeil, Jungwoo, and Doyoung. | @NCTsmtown_127/Twitter

1. “BOSS” Choreo

Taeyong references NCT U’s 2018 song “BOSS” in the choreography! There’s a part in “Sticker” where Taeyong says, “You’re the boss.” He does this dance move in the music video…

| SMTOWN/YouTube 

…which is the choreography for the line, “I lead you, I’m the boss” in “BOSS.”

| SMTOWN/YouTube 

Jungwoo also references “BOSS” during the song, as seen in the group’s performance on The Late Late Show With James Corden!

| The Late Late Show With James Corden/YouTube 

This moment is even more significant because “BOSS” was actually Jungwoo’s debut with NCT, and his parts were so iconic.

| Mnet K-POP/YouTube\ 

2. “Try Again”

There’s a ton of neon signs throughout the music video, some of them tiny and some of them as large as buildings. Some of them say, “Game Over,” “Turn Around Here,” and “Warning! No Way Out.”

| SMTOWN/YouTube 

One particularly interesting sign says “Try Again,” which is a phrase heard in NCT 2020’s song “Interlude: Past to Present” (0:59) from Resonance.

Since we know that SM Entertainment is steadily building its own universe, it’s (probably) no coincidence that this phrase makes an appearance here!

3. Rodeo

As a fun little reference for NCTzens: one of NCT 127’s last performances prior to the COVID-19 pandemic was at the Houston Rodeo in Texas! The group had a ton of fun at the event and even drove off stage in a truck at the end.

| Associated Press/YouTube 

The fashion and sets for “Sticker” are full of cowboy- and rodeo-themed designs!

| SMTOWN/YouTube
| SMTOWN/YouTube  

4. NCT Hand Sign

The NCT hand sign doesn’t make an appearance in every NCT song, but it’s totally unforgettable when it does! Taeyong connects their hand sign to the cowboy concept by saying, “Our logo in the shape of a gun.”

| SMTOWN/YouTube 

5. “When Two Worlds Converge”

One of Jaehyun‘s lyrics is likely a reference to KWANGYA, a staple in the SMCU, and is also a nod to NCT 127’s university concept! At their fictional college, Neo Culture Institute of Technology (NCIT), a professor with the name Jeong Jay (Jaehyun’s English name) teaches a course called Convergence Theory of the Two Worlds.

| @nct127/Twitter

In “Sticker,” one of Jaehyun’s lyrics is, “I make you shine brighter / When the two worlds converge.”

Screenshot 2021-09-17 2.33.57 PM
| SMTOWN/YouTube

6. “On Earth”

Right after that, Jungwoo references an NCIT class as well! The class Earth Linguistics is taught by Kim Jungwoo at NCIT, as shown in members’ class schedules.

| @nct127/Instagram

Jungwoo says, “On Earth, we call that L.O.V.E.” which raises the question: where are we if not on Earth?!

Screenshot 2021-09-17 2.34.12 PM
| SMTOWN/YouTube

7. L.O.V.E

NCT 127 actually spoiled this part of the song during an earlier livestream! Taeyong, Jaehyun, and Mark gave some hints about this line back in July and it was later confirmed and referenced by the group again in another livestream.

| SMTOWN/YouTube 

8. “Sticker” VS “Stick Up”

The title of the album and the song is “Sticker,” but the members’ pronunciation makes it sound like it could also be “Stick up!” While the phrase “stick up” can be pretty violent, in the context of this song they’re talking about robbing someone’s heart instead of their material possessions.

| SMTOWN/YouTube 

The final shot in the song sums it up when the members say, “If I’m right, throw your hands up / like a sticker” all while Mark flips around two guns!

| SMTOWN/YouTube 

Check out the full music video for “Sticker” below!

source https://www.koreaboo.com/lists/details-might-missed-in-nct-127-sticker-music-video/

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