Here’s The Unexpected Way GOT7’s Jackson Ends His Skincare Routine Every Night
GOT7‘s Jackson has kept himself busy in 2021 with his jobs as a K-Pop Idol, a CEO and founder of a record label, an Olympic representative, and a Chinese television personality. Luckily, he found just enough of time to tell Harper’s BAZZAR how he keeps his face and mind clear at the end of the night.
Upon first watch of nighttime skincare routine, viewers might be confused when Jackson is seemingly done with all of his “traditional” skincare products before the video has reached the halfway mark.
Jackson, however, has one last thing to “cap” off his night time routine.
After I stretch, before I sleep I’m my room, you know, I turn my light off leaving probably, like, one lamp on and then I’ll drink a little Maotai.
-Jackson Wang
Maotai, as Jackson would later explain, is “Chinese traditional alcohol. It’s probably like the vodka of everywhere else.”
He shared that he enjoys this traditional drink before bed because it gives him a chance to get some good thoughts in before he goes to sleep.
…I probably, you know, listen to some music or even the recent projects that I’m working on. You know, to get some inspirations or even think about myself, I’m in my zone.
-Jackson Wang
Jackson will sometimes use these good thoughts to further his company, Team Wang.
But now, these days, I’m living with my producer so we have a sip together before we sleep. We talk about the music, the concept, the treatment. A lot of the times, this moment gives me a lot of inspiration for creatives.
-Jackson Wang
This may seem like the perfect option for those who can legally consume the drink to get their best thoughts out before bed but be wary. Jackson then demonstrated his nightly routine and it did not go as well as expected.
After his long sip, both Jackson’s words and his face explained how strong the drink truly is.
I love this because it burns my throat. I love it so much, I, the feeling, how it burns my throat. Like, it feels like someones… it feels like someone… it feels like… you know what it feels like? It feels like lava.
-Jackson Wang
We appreciate Jackson’s insight into his “burning hot” nighttime routine. How did you expect Jackson to end his routine? Let us know and to see the full video, check out the link below: