
Korean Streamer Shuts Down Channel After Live Broadcasting Himself Accidentally Suffocating His Puppy To Death

AfreecaTV streamer @boaseforever (known by his channel name dwehanie) ended up shutting his channel down after a real-time drinking broadcast went extremely wrong and sparked a heavy backlash from the viewers.

AfreecaTV logo | @AfreecaTV/YouTube

On October 1, @boaseforever went live—showing himself having some drinks at home. When at the beginning of the broadcast, this mukbang streamer introduced his new puppy that he had brought home only a few days prior, some of his pet-raising viewers suggested that he puts the dog away in a safe enclosure before continuing.

Streamer @boaseforever from a similar drinking broadcast in 2020. | 돼한이/YouTube

The streamer allegedly disregarded the concern, placed the puppy on his bed, and continued with the broadcast. Soon enough, he became completely intoxicated and went on to broadcast himself falling asleep. Unfortunately, against the viewers urging him to consider his choices, the streamer fell asleep with the puppy on the bed with him.

Streamer @boaseforever and his puppy before the accident. | THEQOO

And at one point, during the same broadcast which remained live for the viewers to watch him sleep, the streamer made an irreversible mistake. The streamer, drunk and asleep, switched positions and turned to lie on his back—without realizing that he’s squishing the puppy. Viewers who witnessed the broadcast claimed that the puppy  audibly screamed and whined in pain for at least 50 minutes.

The stream got wrapped up when another streamer hwarang, who had been watching @boaseforever, rushed over to his house to help the puppy. By the time hwarang arrived, however, the puppy seemed to have lost consciousness and did not respond to hwarang‘s touch. The broadcast ended there, as hwarang turned the camera away and started waking up the passed-out streamer.

Oh my god… What do I do now?

— Streamer Hwarang

The anguished viewers set his channel ablaze with unfiltered hate and criticism. The video got taken down almost immediately. And after sobering up, @boaseforever apologized in a separate broadcast and confirmed that the puppy did not survive the suffocation. He revealed in the apologetic broadcast that “the puppy has been cremated.” Since then, the streamer’s channel has been inaccessible.

| @boaseforever/AfreecaTV

I would like to apologize to everyone. I fell asleep because I got so drunk… This is all because I had too much to drink. The puppy has been cremated. I, myself, still don’t understand what happened. And I’m still in a great deal of shock. I resent my decisions a lot and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive myself for this. It’s all my fault. I really shouldn’t have gotten so drunk that I had no control over my actions. I have no excuses for what I’ve done.

— Streamer @boaseforever

Animal abuse is an unending problem in Korea where the laws and welfare dedicated to protecting animals are minimal. Viewers believe that the government’s leniency toward “accidents” like this is what continues to breed animal abusers both in the real world and online.

  • “I’m at a loss of words right now…”
  • “The fact he decided to get drunk with a puppy that small in his care… If you’ve ever gotten a young pet, you know how irresponsible and careless that is. Puppies, especially that young and small, need round-the-clock care. I’m furious right now.”
  • “Oh my god, the puppy didn’t survive?!”
  • “For f*ck’s sake, this is absolute madness.”
  • “My heart is breaking for the puppy. IF YOU CANNOT TAKE CARE OF A LIFE, PLEASE DO NOT GET ONE. I’m so sorry that the puppy had to die so painfully. It could have lived a decade or more, had it gone to a good responsible home…”
  • “This is beyond the scope of what I can possibly understand, like seriously…?”

While the streamer stepped down from the platform himself, AfreecaTV viewers are fiercely demanding that @boaseforever is permanently removed for the traumatizing broadcast and, more importantly, for the death of a puppy.

I’m sorry, but I cannot believe that he has killed the puppy ‘accidentally.’ Anyone with a brain would have been able to realize the dangers there. Besides, it sounds like his viewers continued to convince him to put the puppy away. But he didn’t listen. So I’m going to have to say he did this intentionally. He made a choice, how is that an accident? AfreecaTV needs stronger policies in place to remove streamers like him. He aired the death of a puppy LIVE. That should not be okay on ANY platform. If AfreecaTV doesn’t penalize this streamer… Well, I guess we’ll know then what kind of a platform AfreecaTV really is.

— Viewer Comment

AfreecaTV has not made any comments about what has happened on @boaseforever’s channel.

source https://www.koreaboo.com/news/afreecatv-korean-streamer-shuts-channel-after-broadcasting-accidentally-suffocating-puppy-death/

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