
BTS’s Jungkook And V Went Wilding On Weverse, But Jin Just Wanted To Sleep

Sleep? Who needs sleep when you have the Weverse app and millions of fans to entertain? In the very early hours of the morning, BTS‘s and Jungkook went on a posting spree!


“What are you doing not sleeping~~~?” A fan asked V. “I had a drink with my family,” he replied, with typos. Uh-oh. Drunk posting is against BTS’s rules, but who can remember rules at 5 AM?


Enter Jungkook, who hasn’t been on Weverse in forever. Like V, he was also wide awake and ready to play. Jungkook kicked off a word game where you create a word using the final letter of a previously given word. V played off Jungkook’s word, “ARMY” (ah-mi), with “haircut” (mih-yong).


Jungkook: Word chain game

Jungkook: ARMY

V: Haircut


Jungkook went V went back and forth like this, growing their word chain longer and longer with posts that kept ARMY’s notifications dinging. Jungkook also informed fans about the #1 thing that’s always on his mind: food. “Think of ramen with green onions chopped in it!” he wrote cutely. “These days I’m always hungry.” 


V couldn’t resist sharing a photo of Yeontan‘s haircut (and his wine glass!)


Speaking of photos, V also posted one that he is definitely not supposed to post! Sharing ARMY.zip content is a big no-no, but he’s V. Rules don’t apply to him, do they? When a fan asked him to post a selfie from this ARMY.zip shoot, he happily obliged.


“Did say they wanted me to post this” he wrote, with plenty of typos.


In addition to playing word games and breaking rules, V and Jungkook “sang” through text until Jungkook decided to post this surprise clip of a song his father likes!

The best part about this ridiculous (and possibly tipsy) saga might be Jin‘s entrance. At one point, Jin popped in to tell these non-artists to pipe down. He’s trying to sleep!


Go to sleep, Taehyung-ah, and stop ringing the notifications.

— Jin

No one’s entirely sure what brought on this Weverse invasion, but fans are loving every second of it!

source https://www.koreaboo.com/stories/btss-jungkook-v-went-wilding-weverse-jin-just-wanted-sleep/

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