
STAYS Outraged As Stray Kids’ Bang Chan Confesses JYP Entertainment Shut Down “Chan’s Room”

Have you wondered why Stray KidsBang Chan hasn’t held a live broadcast recently?

Bang Chan | Stray Kids/YouTube

Despite a busy schedule, Stray Kids’ leader, Bang Chan, has consistently held a weekly live broadcast titled Chan’s Room since 2019. He often played songs he liked or that STAYs recommended, chatted with STAYs, and was sometimes accompanied by guests.

Since May 14, 2023, Chan’s Room has been on an indefinite hiatus. This timing is correlated to an incident occurring on that day’s live broadcast.

During the last episode, Bang Chan talked about his experience at Music Bank in Paris. He revealed that some of his fellow idols do not greet others, much to his surprise, as he considers it basic manners.

I’m not like cussing people out or anything, but I feel like I’m thinking too much about it because if you see someone walk by, you say annyeonghaseyo, then if they don’t reply back, you’d be like, ‘What the…okay.’ But I feel like it’s come to the point where this generation is allowed to do that, just not care, if that’s right. I guess there were a few scenarios where that would happen. At first, I was like, okay, then the more I thought about it, I was like, maybe I am overexaggerating. Maybe, I’m thinking too much about it. Maybe, I’m a boomer.

— Bang Chan

This wouldn’t be the first time Bang Chan has discussed the lack of greetings from some idols without specifying the artists. Yet, netizens have speculated who they might be with names such as IVE mentioned. Although Bang Chan didn’t name anyone, this conversation resulted in artists being criticized while he was praised for his honesty.

But I mean from my perspective, whoever it is, I’m going to say hi the best I can because I am here to have fun and greet people I like and respect. …I’m not going to say names, but I guess some people that I don’t know, I guess it’s like that. Maybe that could be the reason why, because there’s no connection. Maybe, they could’ve been shy or nervous.

— Bang Chan


Consequently, Bang Chan apologized via Instagram on May 17 for his comments. He expressed that he had no intention to target artists, but he was apologetic for causing any offense. So, he promised to be cautious in the future.

Hello, this is Bang Chan from Stray Kids.
I apologize for the offense caused by the comments I made during a recent live broadcast. I thought about the impact my words and behavior can have on others, and have deeply reflected on myself. I would like to mention that it was not my intention to specify a certain artist, and that my comments had nothing to do with the artist being mentioned currently.

I would like to express my deepest apologies to the artist who has been hurt by my careless words. I sincerely apologize. I will be more cautious of what I say in order to ensure this does not happen again. Once again, I sincerely apologize.

— Bang Chan

It’s been a couple of months since Chan’s Room, so STAYs are criticizing JYP Entertainment. A STAY recently shared a clip from a fanmeeting in which Bang Chan confessed to a fan that although he wants to do Chan’s Room, the company has told him not to.

I can’t do Chan’s Room anymore. So, ummm, I want to actually, but the company says no.

— Bang Chan

Naturally, STAYs are outraged as it confirmed their worries. They not only feel that Bang Chan had nothing to apologize for but that he shouldn’t be punished by being forced to shut down his weekly show.

STAYs are specifically calling out Division 1 (Div1), which is the specific division of JYP Entertainment responsible for managing Stray Kids.

Many have trended #DIVDISBAND on X (formerly Twitter) along with #JYPELeaderOfDisappointment and #JYPEPROTECTSKZ as STAYS are enraged that the company won’t protect its current artists, such as Stray Kids. Still, JYP Entertainment has now announced a new objective to seek North American talent. The fans are urging JYP Entertainment to protect its current artists before adding any more.

This comes at a time when STAYs have already been concerned for the Stray Kids members’ safety and well-being. Read more below.

Concerning Video Surfaces From Stray Kids’ Fansign Event—STAYs Express Outrage

source https://www.koreaboo.com/news/stray-kids-bangchan-chan-room-hiatus-div1disband-jyp-entertainment/

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